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Genoinseq provides high-throughput sequencing and bioinformatics data analysis services since 2007. Our accumulated experience and specialized multidisciplinary team favor our focus on delivering personalized solutions and reliable support. We assist our clients in the experimental design of their projects, sequence with the most efficient and adequate approach for optimal results and help transform sequencing data into biological or clinical answers through a comprehensive set of bioinformatics tools.  

Genoinseq additionally provides the technological platform to the University of Coimbra's Center for Neuroscience and Cell Biology (CNC) and the Center for Innovation in Biomedicine and Biotechnology (CIBB).

Genoinseq is a member of GenomePT (RNIE).   

DNA/RNA extraction

Our improved methodologies provide high-quality DNA and RNA from different material sources. 

Sequencing library preparation

We have an accumulated experience in the preparation of sequencing libraries for a broad range of applications such as genome sequencing, RNA-Seq or microbial diversity studies. 


We currently have three next-generation sequencers (NGS) suited for different applications: Ion Proton™, from Thermo Fisher Scientific, MiSeq® and NextSeq® from Illumina®.

Ion Proton™, a semiconductor sequencer, generates more than 15 gigabases per sequencing run, with 60-80 million high-quality reads of 200 bp (maximum length).

MiSeq®, a highly flexible sequencer with short run times, provides up to 2X300 bp sequences and typical outputs of more than 15 gigabases with 22-25 million high-quality reads, per run.

NextSeq®, a high-throughput benchtop sequencer, has an output up to 100 Gb of 2X150 bp reads with 400 million high-quality reads, per run.

Bioinformatics data analysis

We have bioinformatics pipelines for data processing and analysis in different sequencing applications, providing results for the various steps in NGS analysis, suited from beginners to expert-level users. We especially focus on the delivery of sequencing results in user-friendly formats.

Biostatistics analysis

We have a set of biostatistical applications for data analysis, suitable for a wide range of users, from beginners to experienced users. Providing results in “user-friendly” formats is one of our priorities.

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